Wakeboarding Wipeout

imagesIn my mind I would like to imagine that this was the stellar move I made before falling last weekend while wakeboarding, however in reality the air I got, and the style I expressed, was much smaller than this. What I did experience however was the slamming of my body upon impact and the subsequent lake water sinus flush. Upon reaching dry land I began to reflect upon my decision to wakeboard after a 2 year hiatus. Was it wise? Was I getting too old for this? Because let's face it...I do not bounce like I used to. After this last wipe-out where my body went one way and my board 20 feet in the opposite direction and the feeling like I had just snapped in two, I remember thinking as time slowed down(as it always does during such folly) 'What am I doing?' I inevitably let this question go because once I shook it off (much like a cat does when someone witnesses it falling in a 'not so elegant' manner) I forgot about the pain... I was distracted by my oldest showing me the damage that he had recorded on video(lucky me) and the excitement in his voice that his Mom rocked it on out. I laughed at this..it will only be a couple more years and then he will not think I am so 'cool' anymore....I'll become the crazy old lady trying to do a 360.Upon reflection I decided I'm going to keep it up. Why not? I have not ever acted my age anyways..why start now. Wakeboarding is like flying.  It is freeing. And I love flying, so this weekend coming I plan to give it another go. If it does not go well, I can always have a massage (I'm lucky to work with a fabulous massage therapist). If it does go well then you just may see a photo of my wicked air and super smooth landing. What I will do this next time is visualize the scene first and 'see' myself landing this air perfectly in my mind. And I am not going to get on that board until I can do it with no doubt in my mind. I am a firm believer that everything begins in the mind. I went into this last attempt haphazard, with a lot of doubt and a bit of fear so it is no surprise it ended with a big splash. : )